TechLounge is an internal service at Snap Inc. to assist employees in any troubleshooting and assistance needed for all things IT-related. As Snap Inc. transitioned its' branding from a more youthful and playful identity to a more mature platform, TechLounge, in turn, needed a refresh to reflect this new identity. We wanted to create an inviting space where employees can feel comfortable asking any questions related to their devices and software without feeling judged.
Snap Inc. (Snapchat)
Branding / Identity Design / Product Design
Lead Designer
Snap Inc's brand shifted from a youthful and friendly identity to a more sophisticated and playful identity in 2019. As the company's identity matures, IT's TechLounge service needed a brand refresh. The ghost "chilla," shown in the deprecated TechLounge logo and Snapchat's 2011 logo version, is phased out with the new brand guidelines. IT's leadership aimed to refresh the brand identity to reflect the maturing company.
Current Problems
TechLounge brand identity has evolved multiple times as the project progressed with new services and vision. The project started with a logo, but it transformed into a logotype paired with wordmarks in its final state. Three main core themes remained throughout the project's lifespan expressing openness, friendliness, and reliability.
During the process of this brand refresh, the TechLounge brand will have an overarching identity consisting of a main logotype and wordmarks of the different services offered. By taking the starting letters of TechLounge, "T" and "L," the logotype's form communicates a mature service that is reliable and friendly.
TechLounge Service Platform Refresh
After establishing a strong brand foundation, TechLounge merchandise and products were designed for team members to solidify the brand identity. Conceptual vending machines were also designed to provide employees with a safe touchless option to receive devices and peripherals in the new workplace environment.